About Arithmetic Testing OnLine
Arithmetic includes essential skills required for nearly all mathematics at the later grades—including Algebra, Probability & Statistics, problem-solving in Geometry, and more advanced topics—as well as for everyday life. It spans math facts, complex word problems, computational algorithms and much else. Unfortunately, students sometimes fail to develop the necessary fluency in key arithmetic skills, which can result in later difficulties and students deciding that they "don't like math." Teachers can use ATOLSM as an efficient, diagnostically-powerful tool to either prevent or address such deficits, ensuring that each student is prepared to excel in a college or career preparatory mathematics program at the later grades. ATOLSM is a challenging, internationally-benchmarked assessment of the skills students need at the following key grades: 3, 4, 5 and 6. Two different assessments of precisely equal difficulty are available at each grade. This allows you to test, help your student address any deficiencies, then optionally re-test to ensure mastery.
How ATOLSM Can Help Your Students
Each ATOLSM test measures whether students have attained Mastery or Honors in key arithmetic skills by the end of grades 3, 4, 5 and 6. However, the assessments can be useful at different points near the beginning, as well as during, the academic year. Below are three potential uses of ATOLSM, each followed by an example:
Near the beginning of the academic year, to ensure readiness for a new grade.
Joseph takes ATOLSM Grade 4 Form A either before or soon after entering grade 5. It identifies any arithmetic skills that require improvement before the beginning of the new school year. Joseph masters the necessary skills and is successful in 5th grade mathematics.
During the academic year, to establish learning goals in key skill areas.
Juanita, a student in 3rd grade, takes ATOLSM Grade 3 Form A in March to identify core arithmetic skills that she still needs to master before the end of the academic year. In late May, Juanita takes theATOLSM Grade 3 Form B to see if she has succeeded in meeting her goals.
During the academic year, to help identify the cause of academic difficulties.
Craig, a 7th grade student who received a poor grade in mathematics on his mid-year report card, takes the ATOLSM Grade 6 Form A test in January. The assessment indicates that Craig lacks key prerequisite skills in arithmetic that are likely contributing to his difficulties in 7th grade mathematics. In February, after one month of targeted academic support, the ATOLSM Grade 6 Form B assessment indicates that Craig has mastered the necessary skills. There is still enough time in the school year for Craig to catch up and meet the grade 7 mathematics standards.
ATOLSM measures problem-solving as well as basic skills in arithmetic, including:
Word Problems
Math Facts, from multiplication tables to prime numbers to conversions between common fractions and decimals
The four Operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)
Number Line/Ordering/Magnitude
Standard Algorithms
A detailed listing of the skills assessed at each grade, along with sample problems, is available here.
Diagnostic Reports
Results are instantly available. The Individual Test Report provides overall results as well as detailed diagnostic information for each skill area listed above. In addition, question-by-question results include the correct answer as well as the student’s response. The Student Transcript Report provides overall trends over time, including in the same academic year or even across grades. A broad range of Group Reports allow for progress monitoring and diagnostic reports for an entire classroom, grade or school.
Why Grades 3 Through 6?
A focused assessment of important arithmetic skills is especially valuable at grades 3 through 6, as students transition from simple arithmetic in K-2 to pre-algebra and other challenging topics in middle school. Students who do not fully master key arithmetic skills in the upper elementary grades lose confidence and begin to believe that “math is not for me.” At the middle grades, such students typically struggle. For those who do make it into Algebra 1 in a regular academic track, teachers report that one of the most common causes of difficulty is poor arithmetic skills.
Signing up for an individual teacher account is free and each ATOLSM assessment can be assigned to a student for only $2.95. After the assessment is complete, you can login at any time to see results.
An annual school or district ATOLSM License with discounted pricing is also available for minimum orders of 50 student accounts; an annual License permits you to assign additional tests to the same students—in order to assess improvement—at no additional cost. License pricing ranges from $2.00 to $2.75 per student, depending on order size. Further details about school or district License pricing, included materials and optional training is available here.